
Information, research, and resources strengthen the nonprofit sector.

We have gathered some key resources that shed light on the different ways the nonprofit sector, volunteerism, and civic engagement support our society. We continue to monitor social trends, explore statistical information, and gather inspiring resources that support you in your day-to-day work.

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Top Resources

Grant Stewardship Checklist

So you’ve won (or lost) your grant. Now what? While most information available deals with how to craft a winning application, Imagine Canada’s Grant Connect and Keela have teamed up to fill in the blanks for what happens after. This robust checklist runs through the nitty-gritty details of what to do once your grant application is accepted (or not!), including the critical job of stewardship. Use it to ensure you’re cultivating the best possible relationships with funders and to make your next application even better – regardless of the outcome.

This is a members-only resource. Log in or become a member to access this content.


Volunteer Recruitment and Retention: Insights & Stories Panel

Curious about how other volunteer specialists have approached the challenges of volunteer recruitment and retention? Join us for a panel discussion with volunteer specialists Alison Besecker (Senior Coordinator, Networks & Engagement), Erin Navarro (VA Senior Coordinator, Learning & Resources), and Elaine Mew (CVA), moderated by Graeme Dearden (VA Manager, Learning & Inquiry), as they share their insights and stories. Our panelists will delve into volunteer screening theory and how they’ve applied good practices to support volunteers. Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer specialist or new to the field, this panel offers valuable lessons and real-world examples to support your volunteer screening efforts


How Do I Get More Volunteers & Why is That the Wrong Question?

Organizations are struggling to attract more volunteers, but doing more of the same types of things isn’t working. Social media posts seem to go ignored. Traditional media isn’t what it used to be. Putting up posters, if you can even find a place, doesn’t seem to produce results. So what can you do differently? Join Scott Lundell, Volunteerism and Programs Specialist with ECVO to explore different thinking that will enhance your existing recruitment strategies.


How to Incorporate a Nonprofit in Alberta

Interested in starting a new nonprofit? This updated 2024 guide has been created to provide a basic overview of the formal incorporation process, along with some links for further information, to help you decide if this is the right step for you.


Navigating Background Checks

Join us for a 20-minute webinette that makes understanding background checks easier. You’ll learn about the types of information disclosed, how to manage the process, and how to respond to findings. We hope to build your confidence in managing background checks effectively!


Declining Rates of Volunteerism in Alberta and the Increasing Threat to Rural Municipalities

A 2024 report produced by the Rural Municipalities of Alberta and the University of Alberta’s Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities (ACSRC) to on the state of volunteerism in rural Alberta. The research used 27 in-depth 1:1 interviews with various individuals with knowledge of volunteerism in rural Alberta as the data source, such as reeves, CAOs and a few nonprofit representatives. The report discusses the declining rates of volunteerism, the associated threat to rural communities, and recommendations for addressing these trends.


CONNECT Call: Engaging Youth Volunteers

Youth volunteerism offers many mutual benefits, such as fresh perspectives and skills, building community trust, and promoting lifelong volunteerism. While many nonprofits are eager to welcome youth volunteers, they may experience challenges when engaging young supporters.

In this CONNECT Call, Rayyah Sempala from Action For Health Community shares strategies for welcoming young volunteers. Kyara Reynoso from Volunteer Alberta also offer insights from her experience as a youth volunteer and Youth Engagement Coordinator for our ACSEL program.

This is a members-only resource. Log in or become a member to access this content.


Starting A Volunteer Centre

In this guide, we’re thrilled to walk alongside to as you take the first crucial steps to creating a hub of community engagement. From looking at what a Volunteer center is, creating a steering, committee, conducting a community assessment, and more!


Flowing Fridays (Un)learning Brief #2 (2024)

This second (un)learning brief builds on the first by reviewing what we found in our initial exploration of the connection between rest and well-being, and the resulting modification to the experiment. We share our (un)learnings and provide a closer look at the design methodologies and grounding principles that guided us in our journey.


Resources for Empowerment: A Grassroot Organization Learning and Network Event

In May 2024, Volunteer Alberta & Community Development Learning Initiative (CDLI) partnered to host an event to highlight resources available to grassroots organizations and community-led initiatives in Calgary. In keeping with community development principles and knowing each person/team offering the resources also has knowledge and expertise, this was a way to introduce not only what organizations formally offer but also suggest ideas on topics you might reach out for (perhaps over a warm beverage) to help build relationships. Much like how you have your own social capital and skills to offer, each of these teams have some hidden gems they are excited to chat about as well! Resources highlighted were: Calgary Foundation – Grassroots Granting, The GAIN Team, United Way of Calgary And Area – Grassroots Grants & Digital Equity, Volunteer Alberta, and CDLI.