Funding Partners, Networks, Collaborators

Funding Partners

The Government of Alberta operates public agencies and services, and invests in and supports Albertans and Alberta’s communities.

We communicate with government and across Ministries and Agencies on issues affecting the nonprofit sector.  We work with the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Advanced Education, Service Alberta, and others.

Co-operators is a Canadian-owned co-operative with over 70 years of history. Their business decisions are guided by the co-operative principles which means measuring success beyond financials, and doing what’s right and healthy for clients and communities. They worked with the nonprofit sector to design Community Guard – an insurance program for nonprofit organizations that combines all the protection you need in one complete package.

  • We promote Community Guard in Alberta to nonprofit organizations.
  • We collaborate to provide education for nonprofits on Risk Management, Insurance, and Directors & Officers Liability.

OASSIS is a nonprofit employee benefit provider for nonprofits across Canada.

They have been offering affordable, comprehensive, and flexible employee benefits plans since 1990. OASSIS is committed to helping nonprofits attract, retain, and reward employees who work to benefit others.

The Suncor Energy Foundation (SEF) believes in partnering and building relationships for the long term to bring a brighter world to life. Through partnerships and relationships with those who are courageously seeking solutions, SEF help spark change and propel progress for generations ahead.

SEF currently supports our Intersectionality project and ABNN.

The Canada Service Corps (CSC) promotes civic engagement among youth aged 15 to 30. By empowering youth to engage in service, CSC supports a national movement that encourages youth to give back to their communities.

CSC currently supports our Youth Engagement programming

Across Alberta, co-operatives and credit unions empower communities with ownership and voice and help drive deep-rooted economic health. Alberta Community and Co-orporative Association (ACCA) is the voice of the co-operative and credit union sector across Alberta.


Alberta Nonprofit Network (ABNN) is an independent network of nonprofits seeking to advance the cohesive, proactive and responsive nonprofit sector in Alberta.

  • Volunteer Alberta convenes regular bi-weekly teleconferences for the ABNN Exploration Committee and supports the ABNN Steering Committees and Task Teams.
  • We act as fiscal agents for funding from the Suncor Energy Foundation and assist with planning sector gatherings.
  • We participate as a member of the Network Stewards.
  • Together we identify and advocate on issues impacting the work of nonprofit organizations and work collaboratively to promote Alberta’s nonprofit/voluntary sector.
  • Participation on and support provided for ABNN by Volunteer Alberta is made possible by funding from Suncor Energy Foundation and Government of Alberta (Enhanced Capacity Advancement Program).

The Alberta Nonprofit/Voluntary Sector Initiative (ANVSI), which has been in place since 2007, is an ongoing collaborative forum for government and nonprofit sector representatives to:

  • build awareness on the important role of the nonprofit/voluntary sector
  • provide input on key government policies
  • identify and address key issues affecting the sector

The ANVSI Leaders’ Council consists of:

  • deputy ministers from ministries that were identified as having the most frequent and broad interaction with the sector:
    • Culture
    • Seniors, Community and Social Services
    • Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
  • 6 sector representatives who were recruited through an open screening process, based on their knowledge, skills and networks in the sector

Volunteer Alberta is a previous member of ANVSI.

Alberta’s Volunteer Centres are hubs for volunteerism, offering diverse programs, services, and resources to volunteers and nonprofit organizations based on the unique needs of their communities.

We convene the network in order to support each other in our work and to strengthen our presence in Alberta communities. We convene an annual conference, hold regular teleconferences and develop mutually beneficial relationships between members of the Volunteer Centre Network.

  • Volunteer Alberta convenes regular monthly teleconferences for the Alberta Volunteer Centre Network.
  • We work collaboratively to promote volunteerism and we support annual National Volunteer Week celebrations.
  • We use our collective networks to share information, offer learning events, and provide resources to nonprofit organizations.
  • Together we share ideas, resources, knowledge, best practices, and provide support to each other to make greater impact in Alberta.
  • Together we discuss and advocate on issues impacting the work of Volunteer Centres and nonprofit organizations across our networks.

Volunteer Canada is the national voice for volunteerism in Canada and leads National Volunteer Week celebrations each year and promotes the value of volunteerism.

Since 1977, Volunteer Canada has provided leadership in volunteer engagement and served as a catalyst for voluntary action. They provide support to volunteer centres, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and public agencies to create a vibrant and resilient Canada.

  • We work collaboratively on the annual National Volunteer Week campaign.
  • We hold other committee, conference planning, and advisory positions on issues affecting the nonprofit sector.
  • We work collaboratively on a national strategy for volunteer screening and police information checks.

The Canadian Federation of Voluntary Sector Networks is a group of regional sector networks that comes together on a regular basis to discuss issues of shared interest.


In May 2021, the Government of Alberta provided the Alberta Community Co-operative Association (ACCA) funding through the Civil Society Fund. ACCA and its Executive Member Associations: Volunteer Alberta (VA), Econocoop and British Columbia Co-operative Association (BCCA), worked collaboratively to launch ACCESS. Their primary outcome is to build equitable access to qualified, co-aligned professional service providers through strategic collaboration with regional, provincial & national partners.

  • Volunteer Alberta serves as a nonprofit sector representative on the Albert Nonprofit/Voluntary Sector Initiative (ANVSI) working on issues at the intersection of government and nonprofit sector.
  • We deliver on several grants and contracts, Enhanced Capacity Advancement Program (ECAP), Volunteer Screening Program, and National Volunteer Week celebrations.
  • Together we convene stakeholder groups of government, police services, and nonprofits to address screening and police information check issues.
  • When requested, we hold committee and advisory positions on issues affecting the nonprofit sector.
  • We support and assist in promoting government-led initiatives and programs that benefit the nonprofit sector including: Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal, Alberta Culture Days, and Alberta Cultural Calendar.