Information, research, and resources strengthen the nonprofit sector.
We have gathered some key resources that shed light on the different ways the nonprofit sector, volunteerism, and civic engagement support our society. We continue to monitor social trends, explore statistical information, and gather inspiring resources that support you in your day-to-day work.
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Top Resources

Weaving Through the Community: becoming a responsive board
By Lindsay Ann Cooke – This book makes the case that non-profit boards are an important component of a healthy society where citizens participate in a meaningful way. The book examines the motives of people who choose to volunteer as board members and suggests that, though there may be many reasons, some altruistic and some self-serving, board members connecting to the concept of the “Servant Leader” will be the most successful in governing their organization.
75 pages, published 2001
Hardcopy: $8.00

Igniting Young Minds and Spirits: Youth Governance
By Wayne Wiens – After working with organizations serving youth and children, Wayne Wiens noticed that too often the youth had no input into the very programs that were designed to serve their needs. If there was input, it was informal, indirect, and from a position of powerlessness. Starting from the perspective of a small nonprofit organization, Wiens identifies barriers and challenges youth input. He identifies steps in developing youth development campaigns, and offers models of youth participation in governance.
29 pages, published 2000
Hard Copy: $8.00

Board and Executive Director: developing and nurturing an effective relationship
By Kelly Sloan – Has the Board of Directors or Executive Director in your organization ever been frustrated by the rocky and troublesome relationship with each other? This book identifies key factors for creating a successful relationship and provides questions that Boards and Executive Directors can use as a starting point for discussing their relationship. The book contains practical strategies to implement in these areas as well as a list of resources relevant to the subject.
90 pages, published 2006
Hardcopy: $10.00

Financial Responsibilities of Not-for-Profit Boards
For Boards looking for more information on managing financial records, this workbook includes a checklist of financial responsibilities and assistance with reading financial statements.
2003 Revised Edition.
Hardcopy: $10.00

Board Building: Recruiting and Developing Board Members
This workbook will assist you in recruiting skilled and passionate leaders for your organization.
2003 Revised Edition.
Hardcopy: $10.00

Drafting and Revising Bylaws
This workbook is for Boards and senior staff looking to create or update organizational bylaws.
2003 Revised Edition.
Hardcopy: $10.00

Developing Job Descriptions of Board Members
This workbook will help you create effective and comprehensive board member job descriptions.
2003 Revised Edition.
Hardcopy: $10.00

Hiring and Performance Appraisal for an Executive Director
This workbook will help you in hiring a new Executive Director or conducting an performance appraisal for your existing Executive Director.
2003 Revised Edition.
Hardcopy: $10.00

Roles and Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards
From the National Nonprofit Council (USA), a summary of the roles and responsibilities of nonprofit boards.

Sector Source
Sector Source is a project of Imagine Canada and the legacy of the Nonprofit Library and Risk Management and Insurance and Liability Resource Centre. Their resources range from practical tools that support organizational effectiveness to current research about the charitable and nonprofit sector.