For volunteer managers: an easier way to screen and manage your volunteers
Volunteer screening is not only about screening people out as a form of risk mitigation; it is also about screening people in, finding the right fit for any volunteer role. Volunteer screening is a crucial part of recruiting volunteers for any nonprofit organization. However, the screening process can be complex and time-consuming. A collaboration between…
Background How do we create a community online? Volunteer Alberta’s Youth @ the Table (Y@TT) program asked this question when we moved to virtual programming because of the pandemic. Supported by Canada Service Corps, Y@TT is a province-wide initiative seeking to engage youth ages 18-30 at the governance level of nonprofit organizations. Our in-person gatherings…
Strategic planning online: Lessons and recommendations for your nonprofit
Strategic planning is a significant part of determining where your organization is and where it needs to go. By developing a strategic plan, your organization can clarify and determine its priorities and what you need to achieve these priorities. In 2020, Volunteer Alberta undertook the task of developing our new mission and vision statements and…
4 reasons why volunteer centres are integral to Alberta’s economic recovery
What is a ‘volunteer centre’? A personal and short story At Volunteer Alberta, we connect Volunteer Centres with each other and with any resources they need to help make an impact in their communities. What is a volunteer centre you ask? Let me tell you! In high school, we were required to complete 120 volunteer…
Audio: FAQs About Employee Benefits for Nonprofit Organizations
Volunteer Alberta has a partnership with OASSIS, a nonprofit organization providing employee benefit plans specifically designed for the nonprofit sector. Members of Volunteer Alberta receive exclusive access to OASSIS benefit plans in Alberta. Karen Bentham, Executive Director for OASSIS, sat down with us to discuss some frequently asked questions about employee benefits.