Posts Tagged: volunteerism

(Re)Engaged 101: The What, Why, and How

Re-imagining Volunteerism: Bridging the Gap Between Formal Service and Community Care Our friends from InWithForward have written this informative post about the focus of (Re)Engaged and the ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘how’ of using a generative research approach to understand how we may re-imagine volunteerism to bridge the gap between formal volunteering and informal volunteering. Volunteerism…

(Re)Engaged: A Historical Perspective on Volunteerism

Watch an interview with IWF’s Ivy Staker and VA’s Andy Alvarez as they dive into the rich history of community contribution, how things have shifted over time, and what it means for volunteerism today. What does it mean to be a volunteer? When you think of volunteering today, you probably conjure up images of organizations,…

4 reasons why volunteer centres are integral to Alberta’s economic recovery

What is a ‘volunteer centre’? A personal and short story At Volunteer Alberta, we connect Volunteer Centres with each other and with any resources they need to help make an impact in their communities. What is a volunteer centre you ask? Let me tell you! In high school, we were required to complete 120 volunteer…