Every organization, town, and service provider have a unique way of showing appreciation to their volunteers and we’d like to share those with you as well as learn a little bit about all the different organizations and members in our community. Our intention is to get to know the organizations in Alberta and appreciate them in our own way as well as show you who they are and what they do for their communities. This time we are introducing Lacey from FCSS Consort and the events they put together for National Volunteer Week for 2022.
Family Community Support Services (FCSS) is housed under the umbrella of the Neutral Hills Learning and Community Connection Centre. They promote lifelong learning by providing access to foundational learning programs, referral services, and community capacity-building resources. They are in the Village of Consort, Special Area #4 in East Central Alberta. FCSS Consort was established on August 6th, 1997. Their goals are to be a safe inviting place where community members can find support, knowledge and skills that will enhance their lives.
For National Volunteer week [in 2022], we hosted an in-person Ice Cream Parlour where volunteers were invited to join along with community members who were interested in volunteering. Consort also made Volunteer Appreciation Boxes and took nominations from community members who wrote to us why their nominee was deserving of this award. We chose to celebrate this way because our volunteers are the backbone to our community, and they deserve to be in the spotlight when we have the chance to celebrate them. Our community would not be what it is without them. The nomination boxes came with an award certificate and other goodies. This year’s theme was a summer BBQ box. The local school’s woodworking class made the boxes that can be repurposed. Some items were purchased while others were donated by small local businesses. One of recipients nominated for our volunteer award was shocked by this kind nomination. She is so used to giving to others that she did not expect the surprise of someone taking time out of their day to nominate her.
To our organization, empathy in action means everything. When we can see the world through the eyes of others it helps us really connect with one another and work together to make our community a better place. It gives us a chance to gain insight in diversity and to celebrate in a way that everyone feels welcome, seen and heard. I think it goes without saying that volunteering gives people of all ages opportunities to make a difference and walk away knowing they made a difference.
We appreciate that the volunteers in our community understand what volunteering is all about. They care so deeply and step up to support everyone. Our community remains tightly knit when we get opportunities to come together. We are very lucky that behind all our community events, we have extraordinary volunteers to not only make them happen but run smoothly.

Written by Art St Hilaire (She /They)
Sociology Student and Social Media Manager
Art has worked and volunteered in the nonprofit sector for several years and is finishing their undergrad in Sociology and Gender studies. She is a self-taught graphic designer and social media manager. They worked on the marketing and communications team for Volunteer Alberta in the summer of 2022 as a Canada Summer Jobs intern where they started this blog series to highlight all the community around Alberta celebrations of National Volunteer Week.