Is volunteerism in crisis?
(Re)Engaged is a new research initiative by Volunteer Alberta (VA), Boys and Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area (BGCBigs Edmonton) and social research and design agency InWithForward aimed at uncovering what is happening to volunteerism in Alberta.
National surveys show that volunteerism is at an all-time low, but what’s the story behind the numbers? Is the spirit of helping fading or is it evolving?
The pandemic sparked new, informal ways for people to help each other, posing challenges for nonprofits that traditionally rely on formal volunteer roles. Current systems for managing volunteers often resemble professional work processes, potentially creating a further divide between formal and informal roles. Guided by curiosity, we’re exploring these shifts in community contribution to find new paths for transformation.
We aim to learn how Albertans engage with their communities, what motivates them to do so, and how volunteerism might be changing by meeting people where they are and listening to their motivations and barriers. By gathering “thick data” rich in context, we aim to amplify underrecognized voices and explore alternative approaches grounded in real experiences.
We are engaging with communities and people in Edmonton, Lethbridge, and Fairview, gathering and analyzing data, and using design research methodology to develop actionable insights that can spark systemic change. We’ll share our findings with nonprofits, government, and community members and invite them to co-create a vision of civic engagement that promotes social recovery and resilience. Let’s explore the state of volunteerism and re-imagine it for a more connected and resilient Alberta
Check out the (Re)Engaged Blog below to learn about this project’s focus and understand the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of using a generative research approach.
The (Re)Engaged Blog
(Re)Engaged 101: The What, Why, and How
Our friends from InWithForward have written an informative post about the focus of (Re)Engaged and the ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘how’ of using a generative research approach to understand how we may re-imagine volunteerism to bridge the gap between formal volunteering and informal volunteering.

A Historical Perspective on Volunteerism
Our partners at InWithForward have shared a new blog post that dives into the rich history of volunteerism!
What does it mean to volunteer today? While traditional volunteering through formal organizations has been the norm, recent research suggests that informal acts of helping—like lending a hand to a neighbour—may be the foundation of true community spirit.

Thank you to our partners for supporting this work