Miki Stricker-Talbot
Miki is in awe of all of Alberta’s great nonprofits, although arts-based organizations like Fringe Theatre Adventures and Loose Moose Theatre Company hold the softest spot in in her heart. Over the years Miki has volunteered with many organizations. Some of her favourite volunteer roles include serving as a late-night DJ on CJSW, acting as a key advisor for Nuit Blanche Edmonton, and supervising field trips with her kids’ school.
Along with being a Global Fellow with the League of Intrapreneurs, Miki is also a BMW Foundation Responsible Leader, an Avenue Magazine Top-40-Under-40 alumna, and a recipient of the Alberta Centennial Medal. She also possesses just enough knowledge to operate a boom lift poorly.
Miki is a settler on Treaty 6 lands and lives with her husband, two children, and pandemic puppy in Edmonton. Outside of her work at VA, Miki is pursuing a Masters of Arts degree at the University of Alberta, is a maker of jewelry, and is (not-quite-consistently) walking 10,000 steps a day. Around the office, Miki is known for her unending curiosity.