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Free downloads are available of the most recent version (revised 2008) of the Board Development Workbooks. Click the title of the workbook to download a free PDF version.
If you would like to purchase a hard copy (revised 2006), please complete our order form.

Hiring and Performance Appraisal for an Executive Director
This workbook will help you in hiring a new Executive Director or conducting an performance appraisal for your existing Executive Director.
2003 Revised Edition.
Hardcopy: $10.00

Developing Job Descriptions of Board Members
This workbook will help you create effective and comprehensive board member job descriptions.
2003 Revised Edition.
Hardcopy: $10.00

Drafting and Revising Bylaws
This workbook is for Boards and senior staff looking to create or update organizational bylaws.
2003 Revised Edition.
Hardcopy: $10.00

Board Building: Recruiting and Developing Board Members
This workbook will assist you in recruiting skilled and passionate leaders for your organization.
2003 Revised Edition.
Hardcopy: $10.00

Financial Responsibilities of Not-for-Profit Boards
For Boards looking for more information on managing financial records, this workbook includes a checklist of financial responsibilities and assistance with reading financial statements.
2003 Revised Edition.
Hardcopy: $10.00
Free downloads are available of the Muttart Fellowship Books. Click the title of the book to download a free PDF version. For more Muttart Foundation publications, visit their website.
If you would like to purchase a hard copy, please complete our order form.

Board and Executive Director: developing and nurturing an effective relationship
By Kelly Sloan – Has the Board of Directors or Executive Director in your organization ever been frustrated by the rocky and troublesome relationship with each other? This book identifies key factors for creating a successful relationship and provides questions that Boards and Executive Directors can use as a starting point for discussing their relationship. The book contains practical strategies to implement in these areas as well as a list of resources relevant to the subject.
90 pages, published 2006
Hardcopy: $10.00

Competition in the Voluntary Sector: the case of community-based trainers in Alberta
By Walter J. Hossli – The 1990s saw tremendous changes in the delivery of social services. This book explores one significant trend, the increased competition between agencies, specifically in Alberta, and how it affects those who deliver employment and self-employment training, the community-based trainers. The author highlights key competitive activities voluntary agencies now undertake to provide their services in the current environment.
66 pages, published 2001
Hardcopy: $8.00

Conversations About Capacity Building
By Joanne Kidd – In the late 90s, funders began to recognize that grants made to nonprofits with a narrow project focus did not always achieve the anticipated results and that neglect of infrastructure often meant organizations could not sustain their best ideas. This led these funders to re-focus on what became known as “organizational capacity building.” Conversations about Capacity Building reports on those discussions, and compares the various viewpoints with current literature on ways to achieve organizational effectiveness and high performance.
92 pages, published 2005
Hardcopy: $10.00

Cultures at Work: intercultural communication in the Canadian workplace
By Ana Maria Fantino – Ms. Fantino has spent much of her working life dealing with newcomers to Canada. In this book, she discusses what she has learned as a means of helping managers deal with the increasingly diverse workforce our country celebrates.
65 pages, published 2006
Hardcopy: $10.00

The Garden Patch: an organic approach to planning for the voluntary sector
By Anne E. Campbell – Individuals, boards, and community groups who want to start to implement a strategic plan will find fresh ideas and planning methodologies in this book. The book covers such concepts as holding the public trust, creating a civil society, and the importance of the voluntary sector understanding its role and viability within the fabric of Canadian society. Four planning methodologies are described, with the bibliography extending the scope of the book by including additional resources, workbooks, and useful websites.
167 pages, published 2004
Hardcopy: $10.00

Igniting Young Minds and Spirits: Youth Governance
By Wayne Wiens – After working with organizations serving youth and children, Wayne Wiens noticed that too often the youth had no input into the very programs that were designed to serve their needs. If there was input, it was informal, indirect, and from a position of powerlessness. Starting from the perspective of a small nonprofit organization, Wiens identifies barriers and challenges youth input. He identifies steps in developing youth development campaigns, and offers models of youth participation in governance.
29 pages, published 2000
Hard Copy: $8.00

Improving Health Status Through Inter-sectoral Cooperation
By Dr. John H. Hylton – This book is about the determinants of health status ‑ that is, what makes some populations healthier than others. It reviews recent literature about the determinants of population health status and points out that health depends on much more than the availability of formal health services. A number of specific strategies for cooperating across sectors are discussed, and case studies where these techniques have been utilized are reviewed.
169 pages, published 2003
Hardcopy: $10.00

Letters to (not always of) Joy
By Bob Wyatt – In his Muttart Staff Fellowship monograph, Letters to (not always of) Joy, Muttart Foundation executive director, Bob Wyatt, argues in favour of a strong national umbrella organization to advance the work of the voluntary sector.
149 pages, published 2006
Hardcopy: $8.00

Partnerships: profits and not-for-profits together
By Martha Parker – Partnerships and strategic alliances between corporations and not-for-profits are becoming a more common element in giving, with altruism and self-interest blending to include “more than money.” Distinctive relationships are replacing cheque book philanthropy and are involving key stakeholders of both not-for-profits and companies. This book includes detailed case studies, rationale for change, the evolution of leading corporations and not-for-profits, plus reflections and learnings.
224 pages, published 1999
Hardcopy: $10.00

Radical Relatedness: exploring the spiritual dimension of family service work
By Michael McKernan – Family service work has, at the heart of its mission, the urge towards community. The richest sense of what we offer our clients is an experience of meaningful connection with themselves; with the community of family, friends and fellow workers; and with society in general. The book includes discussions on the value of spirituality as it relates to social work practice, and the concepts and language used to address the emotional and intellectual baggage that has marginalized spirituality in social work.
288 pages, published 2004
Hardcopy: $10.00