
Information, research, and resources strengthen the nonprofit sector.

We have gathered some key resources that shed light on the different ways the nonprofit sector, volunteerism, and civic engagement support our society. We continue to monitor social trends, explore statistical information, and gather inspiring resources that support you in your day-to-day work.

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Top Resources


Igniting Young Minds and Spirits: Youth Governance

By Wayne Wiens – After working with organizations serving youth and children, Wayne Wiens noticed that too often the youth had no input into the very programs that were designed to serve their needs. If there was input, it was informal, indirect, and from a position of powerlessness. Starting from the perspective of a small nonprofit organization, Wiens identifies barriers and challenges youth input. He identifies steps in developing youth development campaigns, and offers models of youth participation in governance.

29 pages, published 2000
Hard Copy: $8.00


Ready to Lead: curating spaces for growth and learning to help create empowered youth

The CDLI Mini Summit 2023 is a space for community practitioners and organization to gather to share their knowledge of Community Work. In this was hosted by the Youth Engagement Team at Volunteer Alberta, we ask the question: What happens if empowerment becomes the foundation of youth engagement? Join us as we explore good practices and principles rooted in youth empowerment and their potential to transform our work in youth engagement.


CONNECT Call: Engaging Youth Volunteers

Youth volunteerism offers many mutual benefits, such as fresh perspectives and skills, building community trust, and promoting lifelong volunteerism. While many nonprofits are eager to welcome youth volunteers, they may experience challenges when engaging young supporters.

In this CONNECT Call, Rayyah Sempala from Action For Health Community shares strategies for welcoming young volunteers. Kyara Reynoso from Volunteer Alberta also offer insights from her experience as a youth volunteer and Youth Engagement Coordinator for our ACSEL program.

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Engaging Youth: a Good Practices Guide

Drawing from Youth @ the Table participants’ reflections, stories and conversations with each other, this guide outlines good practices for how nonprofit boards can connect, work and collaborate with young people.


Volunteer Quiz for Youth

Use this quiz to engage first-time or youth volunteers and help align people’s passions with the opportunities available in the community